Monday, July 28, 2008

It's Baby Boomer Disco Week

As a teenager growing up in the 70s, I was a big fan of disco music. The music was upbeat, alive and easy to dance to!

The one entertainer that I enjoyed listening to over and over again was Donna Summer. She was known as the Queen of Disco.

I remember the first time I heard "Love to Love You Baby" I couldn't believe they would play something like that on the radio. It wasn't one of my favorite songs by her. Maybe because I wasn't thinking about sex at that time.

I have two favorite songs by baby boomer Donna Summer. One was "Last Dance" and the other is this one. And I just discovered when I pulled this video from YouTube that the guy she's singing with is white. I always thought he was black.

One more thing: A friend of mine said she saw her not long ago performing in Boston and she was as good as she was back then:


Mitch said...

Donna Summer was always my favorite also, and other than Muhammad Ali, hers was the only other poster I ever put on my wall with a person on it. Okay, it was in the On The Radio album, so I didn't buy it, still. lol

Anonymous said...

Hi Beverly,

Donna Summer is wonderful, and seems to have more depth than before.

She is a beautiful, mature woman now.

Thanks for another little memory.
